Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21 - Dance Day

Day 21 - Dance Day
Originally uploaded by sunflwrdesigns
Every Wednesday Ellie and Grandma go to dance class. It is Ellie's second year.Day 21 - Dance Day

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 18 - Haircut

Anthony's hair had really grown out and it was time for a haircut. After church & the Home Show we stopped at Wal-Mart. It is a little shorter than I normally like, but his hair grows fast.

Day 18 - Haircut

Day 17 - Movies

Saturday night after the Home Show we took the kids to go see Bedtime Stories. It was a great movie, very entertaining for both the adults & the kids.

Day 17 - Movies

Day 16 - Home Show!

Time for the Home Show! Thursday was spent doing set up and then Friday, Saturday & Sunday Dad & I worked the show.

Day 16 - Home Show!

Day 15 - New Shoes

Grandma went shopping today and bought the kids new shoes. Ellie are cute little pink Sketchers and Anthony has a Blue & Silver pair.

Day 15 - New Shoes

Day 13 - Back in the Pool

Today Anthony got back into his routine and went to swim practice. The water is nice & warm but the air is VERY cold when the kids get out. He got all bundled up by Grandma and then had to hop to the car.

Day 13 - Back in the Pool

Day 12 - Twister

The kids love their new Twister game that they got for Christmas.

Day 12 - Twister

Day 11 - Driving

On Saturday while the kids were gone I ended up hurting my back so I didn't do much of anything.
Sunday the 11th I drove back up to Alpine to pick up the kids.

Day 11 - Driving

Day 9 - Driving to Daddy

The 2nd Friday of the month the kids go to visit their Dad in California. It means a 2 1/2 hour drive up to Alpine, and then I drive back home. This Friday we put the new DVD player onto the seats before we left. The kids were able to watch their movie with the headphones. It made the trip much more pleasant for all of us.

Day 9 - Driving to Daddy

Day 8 - No More Christmas

I almost forgot to take a photo .. still trying to get into the routine. Then I remembered that the box of decorations was still in the front room so I got out of bed and snapped a few photos. I love how this one came out.

Day 8 - No More Christmas

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 - Grandma's Flowers

Happy Birthday to Grandma!! The kids and I made sure to stop out at the house to bring Grandma some birthday roses. Ellie LOVES to smell flowers so I just had to snap a pic with her nose in the roses.

Day 7 - Grandma's Flowers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6 - Game Time

I figured out how to link the two DS systems so the kids could play Super Mario Party together. They laid next to each other playing nicely for a while.

Day 6 - Game Time

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 5 - Back to School

Anthony went back to school today. It was a LONG 3 week break. He did really well this morning and didn't fight the routine. In fact he even got out of the van at the curb, which he normally doesn't do.
Day 5 - Back to School

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 3 ... a Lazy Day

The kids and I spent all day at home. They played on the Wii and played with Christmas toys, and I relaxed. I had plans for us to go to the park and play, but we just never left. I actually didn't take the photo on the 3rd I took it on the 2nd, but it still works for the day :) The leaves have finally fallen off the trees in the front yard. They do every year about this time and normally the kids love to go take pictures playing in them. For some reason I couldn't get either of them to take a picture.

Happy Birthday to ME

and Anthony of course :) January 2nd was my 30th Birthday & Anthony's 7th Birthday. Anthony got to pick where we went to dinner with Grandma & Grandpa. He picked Golden Corral. I tried to sway him to a nicer restaurant ... but he held firm. Here he is with his birthday cupcake:

January 1st - Day One

Adam & Sara were still in town with the kids so we loaded up the 4 oldest and headed off to the bowling ally. The kids had a blast but only made it to about the 7th frame. My favorite photo of Ellie. It took some cropping and Lightroom Presets to get this look, but I love it.