Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Newest Princess

We are all so excited to be welcoming a brand new little princess into our family

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Scavenger Hunt 2010

I have been a part of a GREAT photography site for a while, Clickin' Moms. Yes, it is a membership only site/forum. I originally signed up during a promotion and got a discount. I now pay the monthly subscription and I don't even miss the $8 I have learned SO much from the women on that site. I am just a hobbyist, but I want to take good photos of my family and friends. I think my photos and post processing have improved since I joined, but that is just my opinion. I did buy my DSLR from a member on that site and saved myself about $200! That alone is savings enough for me.

Yesterday they started a fun new contest for the month of July! It is a photo scavenger hunt! I printed out my list of items and it is about 4 pages long right now, they will be adding items during the month as well. It isn't too late to join in the fun because you have all month to take your photos and post them. I can't wait to get out and start snapping photos with my sign.
clickin' Moms

I will be posting some of my pictures from the Scavenger Hunt during the month. I hope you will join me!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

From Three to Four

This fantastic family is adding a beautiful baby boy this summer to complete their family.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Makes Three

This adorable little guy just turned one so we went down to Gateway Park to take some updated family photos.

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