Dear Ellie
This month has been full of Girl Scout activities. We got our delivery of Girl Scout cookies and you hit the streets to start selling. You are about half way to your goal of 1000 boxes. You are definitely the cookie boss that Girl Scouts encourages you to be. I am so proud of the people skills you are learning the more you talk to people and sell cookies.
Then later in the month I arranged for our troop to meet at the Humane Society of Yuma. You discussed dog safety, made a custom dog tag, toured the dog kennels and cuddled kittens in the cat condo. The purpose of the visit was also to allow you girls to see how you could create a service project.
As we draw closer to your 10th birthday I am seeing lots of growing pains. We have our ups and downs, I am sure the next 8 years will be full of many more. My job as a mom is to help guide you in the right direction. Yes, sometimes I might nudge (or even shove) you back on the right path. I will always be your safe place and your constant rock. Always waiting in the wings for you, even if you can’t see me and don’t think I am listening.
Please follow along to Kristin Gourley for her letter to her daughter.