Friday, September 20, 2013

My Major League Son

Dear Anthony,

Anthony, this is my first letter to you, yet you are my oldest. You have always and will always have a special place in my heart. I do hope that you enjoy these letters along with your brother and sister.  Right now you are 11 years old and just started the 6th grade. Your favorite baseball team is The Angels and your favorite football team is The Steelers.


This year you asked to play baseball. We had tried playing t-ball years ago, but you didn’t seem to have the passion for it.  We never signed up for a second season.  You have played various sports during the summer with your Dad.  Now you are getting closer to the age where there are school sports you will be eligible to play.  I decided to give baseball another try and let you sign up with certain expectations, (Doing homework, keeping grades up, going to practice without complaining).  You practiced with your Dad, Bill and at your Grandparents before try outs.  Then we got the call that you were recruited by the White Sox!


We didn’t anticipate getting so many monsoons this month.  I think it has rained more this month than it did all of last year. You had numerous practices cancelled for rain and the first two games got cancelled as well.  You finally got to play your first game last Wednesday.  You played a great game, even if your team didn’t win.  You even got a hit on your first time up to bat!  I have a feeling this is going to be a great season.  I know that you are playing with all your heart and that is what matters to me.



Please continue to Anna Bein and read the rest of the letters in the blog circle

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Politician

Dear Ellie,
This  month’s letter really snuck up on me.  There is so much I want to say to you, but this month I have to share this story.
You are in 4th grade, and considered an Upper Classman at school now.  The Upper Classman are eligible to run for Student Council. Each class votes and sends 3 student council representatives. To run you have to write and give an election speech.  You decided that you wanted to run and sat in your room writing your speech.  You even practiced giving your speech.  The next part is the best part of the story.
You tried to figure out how to afford buying brownies at school for all of your classmates so they would vote for you.  Instead I told you that you needed to come up with a slogan if you wanted to give treats to the class.  After looking online and on Pinterest, we came up with the idea: “Vote for Ellie. She is one smart cookie” and you took cookies to your class.
I am so proud to say that you came home Wednesday as one of your class representatives! You are excited that you get to attend Student Council meetings, help plan school activities and best of all … get a special Student Council shirt. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Changes coming soon

This months theme for Life+Lens is Changes. We as a family have lots of changes on the horizon both big and small. I just don’t have pictures of them yet. 
In other parts of the country the seasons are changing, leaves are turning colors and the weather is cooler.  In Arizona that doesn’t happen for a while. The change in our season right now is monsoons. The heat remains, the humidity moves in and then the weather suddenly changes and the skies open up.
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continue on the blog circle to see the rest of this months “changes” at Laura James Blog