Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tuesday, December 9th

Sorry ... still playing catch up. At least I am only 2 days behind LOL. I will get caught up this weekend I think.

Tuesday night was Anthony's school Christmas recital. His Dad came down and picked him up from school, and went to swimming with him, and stayed for the recital. Anthony's class sang "Jingle Bells" and each child got a little jingle bell to shake during the song. It was so cute. I managed to squeeze my way to the front and took a video. I need to figure out how to post a video on blogger so everyone can see it.

At the end there was a surprise visit from Santa!! Anthony seemed to know just what to do, because he went straight to the Library and we hardly had to wait at all for the kids to sit on Santa's lap. I definitely heard Ellie ask for a Barbie, but Anthony did a good job of whispering so I didn't hear him.

The kids both went to Grandma & Grandpa's house while I went out to practice. When I got to the house to pick them up I found them playing with the presents that Aunt Tina & Uncle Bill sent down with their chocolate advent calendars. Anthony got a Spiderman Workbook & YoYo, Ellie got some jewelry & hair clips. They both wanted to "catch up" on the days by eating the chocolate, but Grandma stopped them.


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